Subliminal Hypnosis Meditation for Health, Well Being and Holistic Health | Healing Music

Subliminal Hypnosis Meditation for Health, Well Being and Holistic Health | Healing Music

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Program your subconscious mind for good health or anything else you desire! visit
How to be happy - subliminal affirmations
Relaxing Deep Sleep - binaural beats + subliminal

The subliminal messages are infiltrating the subconscious mind since your ears can't hear and understand the actual words, your consciousness won't reject them, and the affirmation will go straight to your subconscious mind. The subconscious gets those affirmations as truth and as long as you listen consistently, your old limiting beliefs will change for better.

The subliminal suggestions were made to make you feel better and to heal you, they were made to make you stronger, and to make you a believer. They were made to make you look differently at your life, at your well being situation, to provide you powerful healing for mind and body. Listen on a daily basis (especially before sleep time). It's 100% free.

Subliminal affirmations for good health that are used in this session:
Every cell of my body is healthy and functions the best it can, My general physical health is getting better and better each day that goes by, My immune system is strong, stable and healthy, I treat my body with respect and nourish it with healthy food, I consume healthy, natural food on a daily basis, I let go of food full of fat and focus only on healthy food, Water is essential for my health. I drink just enough water every day, I do everything I can to live healthily and happily, It's important for me to exercise and do sports in my daily routine, With every breath, I inhale strength that heals my body and immune system, Every breath I exhale takes away toxins and stress, I take care of myself in any way I can, I relax easily; I keep calm and have fun in life, It's ok to take care of myself and put my needs first, It's ok to let go of bad habits and make a good change, It is safe for me to eat right and exercise if my physical condition allows it, I choose to be healthy and focus on that only, I let go of self-pity , My thoughts and feelings about my health condition are positive and optimistic, I deeply breathe in divine energy that heals my internal organs and blood cells, It feels wonderful to be healthy and I put my energy into that goal, I focus on my good health and my goal is to be healthy and happy, The purpose of my body is to be healthy, strong and steady, The purpose of my being is to live a long, good-quality life, I was born to be healthy and vital, I was born to prosper and to live a long life in this universe, Joy fills my heart and body when I focus on my good health, I take responsibility of my health , I think, feel and act in the most effective way for my health, The only food that is good for me is food from the earth

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