Benefit of Eating Simply | Figuring out what works for you

Benefit of Eating Simply | Figuring out what works for you

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Benefit of Eating Simply | Figuring out what works for you

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Hi Friends! Your results are gonna be based on what you're doing consistently. So my meals are consistently simple: mono fruit meals and simple green salads. There are some fruits I will combine. For instance, some sweet fruits like nisperos or sapotes are too sweet for my taste. It works well to combine them with bananas. But most of the time my typical meals here are just watermelon or some other melon or just papayas or just mangos. It's usually one thing at a time. It's always going to be ideal. Every once in a while I'll make a smoothie, every once in a while I'll even have a juice. I will prepare food for the events that we do, or if I'm entertaining friends that don't eat like I do, I might prepare meal that includes foods, that have been processed by blending etc. There is definitely nutrient loss when you do that because of the processing. You should be consistently eating mono fruit meals and simple green salads. The simplest way possible. But every once in a while it's ok to eat some gourmet. You have to figure out what works for you! Hope you found this video helpful! Enjoy and leave your comments below
For your optimal health,
Loren ???

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Hi! I'm Loren Lockman. I'm the Director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica and have been coaching people to better health since 1992, and supervising water only fasts since 1997. I've guided more than 10,000 people through water-only fasts averaging 24-25 days and have seen countless "miracles" over the years. I am completely committed to helping you optimize your health and well-being in every way. Enjoy the videos, and don't forget to like and share them if you do! All the best for Your optimal health! Visit our website for more information about our water fasting retreat:
