Best greens to eat | Lettuce, arugula, watercress, dandelion

Best greens to eat | Lettuce, arugula, watercress, dandelion

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Best greens to eat | Lettuce, arugula, watercress, dandelion

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Hi Friends! Lettuce is gonna be one of the best greens to include in your diet. Why? Most lettuces are very very low in toxicity. Why do they have toxicity? Because every plant wants to not get eaten. But most other plants have much more toxicity. Culinary herbs are a class of herbs, that produce a specific alkaloid, which gives them their specific smell and taste, in order to protect themselves from their primary predators - insects. And on average we are hundred thousand times bigger than an insect. So the concentration of toxins in that leaf don't need to be very high to discourage insects. If we'll eat a sufficient amount of herbs we will feel sick afterwards, because they are poisonous. This is true with all culinary herbs. People ask me about arugula a lot. I don't know if arugula considered an herb or not, but any strong tasting leaf is doing the same thing. It has the flavor it has because it is purposely creating compounds to give it that flavor and scent to protect itself, because it wants to survive. So should you eat arugula? Not very often, not very much of it. Watercress - same thing. Any spicy leaf is trying to protect itself. The cleaner your body is the more your body is gonna react to it. Hope you find this information helpful. Enjoy and leave your comments below!
??? - Loren

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Hi! I'm Loren Lockman. I'm the Director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica and have been coaching people to better health since 1992, and supervising water only fasts since 1997. I've guided more than 10,000 people through water-only fasts averaging 24-25 days and have seen countless "miracles" over the years. I am completely committed to helping you optimize your health and well-being in every way. Enjoy the videos, and don't forget to like and share them if you do! All the best for Your optimal health! Visit our website for more information about our water fasting retreat:


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