Why Dieting Doesn't Work

Why Dieting Doesn't Work

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HOSTED BY: https://diyhealthcaretips.com

Why Dieting Doesn't Work

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Hi Friends! How many of you have an experience with dieting? How well does it work? Let's see what happens. Let's say you are consuming 3000 calories a day normally. And you think ok I want to loose weight. Your set point for your metabolism is 3000 calories a day, you are not loosing or gaining weight. So what do you do? You drop down to 1500 calories a day. Your metabolism was set for 3000, so where is the other 1500 come from? Your body is going to look for those 1500 calories from fat. But what happens over time? You get to the point, where you stop loosing weight on 1500 calories a day. What has happened, what has changed? Your metabolism slowed down. You are now operating perfectly well on 1500 calories a day. So you think, ok I'm not loosing anymore weight and you go back to eating what you were eating before, you are not anymore eating 1500 calories a day. And you start building fat even faster than you took it off. That's what happens! This is why dieting doesn't work! It's perfectly fine to reduce your caloric intake, the key is to continue making similar choices, adopt something not on a temporary basis, but change to a lower calorie and higher quality diet and then maintain that. Then you good! Hope this makes sense to you. Enjoy and leave your comments below!
For your optimal health,
Loren ???

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Hi! I'm Loren Lockman. I'm the Director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica and have been coaching people to better health since 1992, and supervising water only fasts since 1997. I've guided more than 10,000 people through water-only fasts averaging 24-25 days and have seen countless "miracles" over the years. I am completely committed to helping you optimize your health and well-being in every way. Enjoy the videos, and don't forget to like and share them if you do! All the best for Your optimal health! Visit our website for more information about our water fasting retreat:
