Why not use an enema? | Enema side effects

Why not use an enema? | Enema side effects

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HOSTED BY: https://diyhealthcaretips.com

Why not use an enema? | Enema side effects

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Hi Friends! The problem with colonics and enemas is that we are not only theoretically flushing out whatever material might be in a colon, but we are also flushing out beneficial bacteria, which live there. We are changing the ph of the colon and we are weakening the bowel muscle. There are studies, that show now, that repeated use of colon hydrotherapy weakens the bowel, and you'll wind up with poor bowel function. Having fasted thousands of people, who tried all the cleanses, all the flushes and still didn't get the results they wanted, I can authoritatively say, there is nothing even remotely as powerful, as fasting 21 days or more. That's why I'm still doing this! Hope you find this helpful and do your research!
??? - Loren

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Hi! I'm Loren Lockman. I'm the Director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica and have been coaching people to better health since 1992, and supervising water only fasts since 1997. I've guided more than 10,000 people through water-only fasts averaging 24-25 days and have seen countless "miracles" over the years. I am completely committed to helping you optimize your health and well-being in every way. Enjoy the videos, and don't forget to like and share them if you do! All the best for Your optimal health! Visit our website for more information about our water fasting retreat:
