Did you know that around 264 million people in the world suffer from depression, according to the World Health Organization?
More than just a simple sadness, depression is a serious disease that requires treatment.
According to a recent study, this disorder isn't only psychiatric: all the body is affected by it.
Let's see the possible physical effects of depression.
Gastrointestinal issues The brain is closely related to the gastrointestinal tract. Our emotions can trigger discomforts, and the gastrointestinal tract is susceptible to them.
Diabetes Depression increases the levels of stress hormones, which affect blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.
Risk of a heart attack People who suffer from depression can have high blood pressure and an increase in heart rate.
Blood vessel issues This problem is closely linked to heart dangers. High blood pressure reduces blood flow in the blood vessels, which contract and become brittle.
The decline of the kidney function Depression affects both people with chronic kidney disease and those with healthy kidneys.
Back pain Of course, back pain is not always related to depression. Bad posture and weak muscles are the most common reasons for it.
Memory issues and headaches Depression can cause short-term memory loss and confusion. This condition makes people more forgetful and hinders their concentration.
Arthritis Both conditions are closely related to each other. Depression can cause arthritis and vice-versa.
Have you ever had depression or know someone who has it? How did you deal with it?
0:00 How depression affects your body 0:25 Gastrointestinal issues 0:42 Diabetes 1:05 Risk of a heart attack 1:17 Blood vessel issues 1:31 The decline of the kidney function 1:47 Back pain 1:59 Memory issues and headaches 2:15 Arthritis
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By: Natural Cures Title: 8 Ways Depression Can Physically Affect Your Body Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KaQU2X7Q0U