? Help Create the Las Cascadas Rainforest Preserve and Eco Adventure Park - ? Academy for Vibrant Living - ? TANGLEWOOD FRUIT FESTIVAL Feb 17-24, 2023 -
Hi Friends! To clarify, I can't say that everyone is gonna eliminate the old hard material over the next 3 or 4 months after the prolonged water fast. It's gonna be different for each person. Honestly, the likelihood of that happening for any particular person is probably directly proportional to your youth, and how well you've eaten for how many years. So, the older you are and the more you've mistreated yourself - the harder, the dryer, the more intransigent that old stuff is likely to be - the harder it will be to move. The younger somebody is, the cleaner the system is - the easier it's going to be to eliminate this stuff. But you'll be able to tell easily! When you're eating fruit and salad only - your bowel movements will be quick, easy, painless, clean and odor free. When you're moving the old stuff out, it will not be quick, easy, painless, clean and odor free. It will sometimes be painful, difficult, messy, it will often be smelly. It will be obvious that it is something different. You'll know with complete certainty! Hope you found this information useful and inspiring. Enjoy and leave your comments below! For your optimal health, Loren ???
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NEW TO ME? Hi! I'm Loren Lockman. I'm the Director of the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica and have been coaching people to better health since 1992, and supervising water only fasts since 1997. I've guided more than 10,000 people through water-only fasts averaging 24-25 days and have seen countless "miracles" over the years. I am completely committed to helping you optimize your health and well-being in every way. Enjoy the videos, and don't forget to like and share them if you do! All the best for Your optimal health! Visit our website for more information about our water fasting retreat: