Tossed Paneer | Healthy snacks in just 2 minutes?|Diet Food| #DIY

Tossed Paneer | Healthy snacks in just 2 minutes?|Diet Food| #DIY

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#spiceupalittle #DIY #healthyfood

When you are very hungry and want to eat something hot & healthy instantly , here is the right recipe.
Great for weight watchers. This mouthwatering dish takes only 2 minutes to prepare. #diy
Enjoy watching & making.

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Ingredients :
cumin seeds,
crushed black pepper,
lemon juice
and any edible oil ,
coriander leaves for garnishing

Preparation :
1. Cut paneer into small cubes
2. Take a pan and add a little oil to it
3. When the oil becomes hot, add cumin seeds
4. When the cumin seeds crackle, add paneer cubes
5. Toss them then add crushed black pepper and salt
6. Toss them for few seconds and sqeeze some lemon juice over it
7. Remove from the pan and garnish with corander leaves. Serve hot

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